1 month ago
The pursuit of happiness... Figuring out LIFE and embracing it as it comes.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Celebration of self-love
"It's Valentine's Day and I survived the mall!!!"
2 hours of shopping at Sunway Pyramid (which I thought would be dreadful cause it's VALENTINE'S and so suck-y for singles to go out where couples are seen together holding hands, hugging, with flowers, gifts, etc)... turned out to be not so bad after all! I'm glad to know I've grown out of that dreadful V-day thought and embrace life as a single person. In fact, it is great to be single! I know what you are thinking: "only losers say that..." but heck guess what? I honestly don't care what the hell YOU think. I'm living MY life. Somethings I've learn about myself this V-day:
1. Self-dependent
It's good to know that I can be HAPPY just being with myself. Mind you, I was out there shopping alone (which I actually enjoyed) in a crowd of mostly couples (cause it was V-day, and they were selling flowers, teddy bears and chocolates everywhere!). Point is, I did not feel bitter, sad nor depressed. Indeed, I enjoyed being my OWN companion. Which goes to show that I can happily stand on my own two feet. Hurrah!

2. Self-indulgence
What better way to indulge on V-day but with CHOCOLATES! Not just chocolates mind you, but Cadbury Chocolates from the UK! Thanks to Keith, I had the best-est chocolate indulgence (better than orgasm). The bad news: there is no turning back once you have had UK chocs. No more local chocolates for me, now that I've tasted heaven! Mmmmmmmmarvelous!
3. Self-reward
Shopping IS the best reward. Bought something I like for myself: CLOTHES. Got a pretty black satin top at a bargain. So proud of myself! Besides you know what they say... "when you look good, you feel good!" To top of my shopping experience, I got my happy dose of J.Co Donuts! My must haves ALL the time: Chocolate Banana & Peanut Butter! And today instead of Chocomint, I tried the other heavenly beverage, Caramelite! *slurp slurp* Mmmm.. delicious!
4. Self-discovery
I suck at bowling. BIG TIME! Earlier in the morning we had a bowling tourney among media. No extra points for guessing who was the loser. I was ranked among the top-10 LOWEST! It was the "longkang" for me most of the time - not even one strike! Horror sight indeed. Nonetheless, I had a great time trying NOT to throw the ball into the "longkang" and of course had a fun time bonding with fellow team mates (colleagues) and media friends. My unlucky strikes turned out otherwise as my number 004 (Chinese believe that 4 is unlucky number: "sei" also means "die" in English) was called out for a lucky draw and I won a rice cooker. Cheh!
5. Self-love
"I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadow,
If I fail, if I succeed,
At least I live as I believe,
No matter what they take from me,
They can't take away my dignity,
Because the greatest love of all,
Is happening to me,
I found the greatest love of all,
Inside of me,
The greatest love of all,
Is easy to achieve,
Learning to love yourself,
Is the greatest love of all... "
Song: "The Greatest Love Of All" by Whitney Houston.
That would be my V-day theme song this year. To remind myself, I need to love myself, before I can love others. Self-love is not "selfish" or bad. When you love yourself, you will feel good about yourself, and you will feel better about the world. Thus this will make it easier to give love to others. Learning to love yourself may be the greatest love you ever experience and achieve!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Pretty boys but none for me..
"I spy a cute guy..."
First question that comes to mind these days: "Is he gay?"
Life is unfair ain't it? Gay or idiots. Which do you choose? The former is just perfect. Well-mannered, gentleman, intelligent, fun and caring. The latter is self-absorbed, full of himself or just plain jerk. Is it true then what they say that; GOOD men are either married or gay? Well I guess not ALL hope is lost. If you can't get him as your boyfriend, at least you have him as a good friend. Someone who you can take shopping with and talk about boys. But I'm slowly losing patience.. as the fishes are getting lesser and lesser in the sea!
First question that comes to mind these days: "Is he gay?"
Life is unfair ain't it? Gay or idiots. Which do you choose? The former is just perfect. Well-mannered, gentleman, intelligent, fun and caring. The latter is self-absorbed, full of himself or just plain jerk. Is it true then what they say that; GOOD men are either married or gay? Well I guess not ALL hope is lost. If you can't get him as your boyfriend, at least you have him as a good friend. Someone who you can take shopping with and talk about boys. But I'm slowly losing patience.. as the fishes are getting lesser and lesser in the sea!
Absolut-ly sinful

I love cocktails. But problem is I'm always my own designated driver which kinda sucks. Meaning I can never get drunk due to the fact that perhaps I stay like the other part of the world where nobody lives nearby and I, yes me, myself and I have to send my own drunk ass home. But then again, like I said, I never seriously got drunk before. Very responsible right? Or probably just due to high alcohol tolerance level? Hehe.
Cocktail party Absolut-ly rocks!
Mini Absolut's
*gasp!* Cocktail Bible?!??
Generally I like sweet cocktails. The dangerous ones are the ones where you don't taste much liquor and 2 hours later *BAM!* The yummy lychee drink intoxicated with alcohol (done at Keith's) still remain tops. Don't know it's name as it was homemade by his air stewardess friend. Having a bar at home is the bomb as you can mix and drink as you like. And of course get wasted. Apple+mango vodka is also T.D.F! I prefer cocktails to wines anytime as I find wine too dry/heavy for me. For the meantime, I'll just stick to sweet and yummy cocktails, thank you!

Wines are better for you no?
Thursday, February 05, 2009
25+1 Random Things About Me
1. I used to be part of a group called “Spice-licated” back in high school and we would sing and dance to the song “Wannabe”. Guess which Spice Girl I was?? Baby Spice! The rest of the band were Kamini (Scary Spice), Bee Hwa (Ginger Spice), Hwa Mei (Posh Spice) & Shima (Sporty Spice).
2. I was a HUGE fan of Backstreet Boys when growing up (who wasn’t back then right?). I had the biggest crush on (you wouldn’t believe it) Alexander James McLean aka A.J of the Backstreet Boys! Boy, I had such a weird taste in men back then.
3. Back in high school as well, me and a friend (Bee Hwa) would write to each other exchanging our updates about our imaginary “pop” lives. We lived in POP World, went to the same school as Taylor Hanson, lived in the same apartment block as other pop stars such as Backstreet Boys, Robyn, N’Sync, Janet Jackson, etc. My pop name was Sue Jordan Gabrielle Timberlake (yup I was related to Justin) & was dating A.J! Talk about your wildest imaginations!
4. I would most probably be in Korea right now, if I wasn’t doing what I’m in at the moment (broadcast journalist). Got offered as an assistant chemist in Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI). I would have work near the ocean, eat raw seafood, date a cute Korean boy and enjoy “kim-chi” right about now.
5. I’ve always wanted to be a Starbucks barrista (but never one). I think it’s a cool job, serving people with a smile and just make coffee! So fun and carefree.
6. I fell in love with Sabah and everything on the land below the wind. It was love at first stay. Beautiful place, great food, interesting culture and super-friendly people! Never felt so at home. Some people even mistaken me for a Sabahan (I’m like so local okay) because apparently I look and sound like them. But I don’t mind bah ;)
7. I was the captain for an all girls futsal team named "Girl Power" (yeah!). We were up against all the other boys’ team in tuition. Basically we kalah teruk lah :(
8. My motto especially back in campus was “One who is hesitant is lost..” Now? I think too much and wonder about the "what if’s". Sigh.
9. I once represented my college in a swimming competition. FYI, I never swam for competitions (only for leisure) and I wasn’t even good/consistent/regular at it! So I jumped into the pool and realized I couldn't feel the floor as the starting point was middle of the pool. I panicked, almost drowned and raised my hand. Nobody came to my rescue though. Instead everybody cheered me to swim to the finishing line. Once I reached the end, I got thunderous cheers and applaud. Of course that was the most embarrassing moment of my life.
10. I’m afraid of depths (no wonder I failed #9). Whenever in pool, I rarely swim vertically. I rather swim in horizontal lines. Whenever I swim in deep areas, I would fear somebody would grab my feet or get leg cramps and drown. But I’m not afraid of heights though.
11. I have a habit of washing my feet every time before I sleep.
12. I’m fascinated with anything Latin! Spanish, music, salsa, culture, food and hot Latinos :P
13. I once had a HUGE crush on my Spanish lecturer, Senor Caning Jarangmillo from Caracas, Venezuela. I tell you.. he would wear a leather jacket and aviator glasses to class.. and boy was he HOT! I saw him again in a salsa party long after I graduated and finally got the courage to ask him for a dance (yes I ask guys to dance wan). We danced alright but he was clearly drunk/tipsy and he only did mambo ALL the way. So much of hot salsa-ness. Indeed I was CRUSHED!
14. I love polka dots and vertical stripe designs on clothes. I especially like crisp buttoned on shirts with vertical stripes on men ;)
15. I love any form of publicity. In newspapers, radio and TV. I like to listen to my voice on the radio and I would text everyone to listen to it too.
16. I was never allowed to go to school camps when I was younger. My first experience setting up a REAL tent was only recently during a day-trip to PD. It wasn’t even for overnight. Just as shade from the sun. Hmmph!
17. When I was little, my favorite game with my cousins at our grandma's place was "Asia Bagus" aka the singing contest hosted by Najip Ali on TV. The contestants would be Phillip and me, meanwhile Michelle would be judge. I guess it was good practice. Phillip is now a lead vocalist of fourletterstory, his own band.
18. I’ve always wanted to perform in front of an audience. I’ve always dreamt of entertaining people.
19. I have the worst sense of directions. During assignments, my challenge is not so much of finding a story but more of finding the location!
20. I have not a single teeth cavity. All thanks to mom who took care of them when I was younger. I was banned from taking sweets. But now, I have a sweet tooth.
21. I’m actually a shy person. I only open up and “shine” with people whom I’m comfortable with. I prefer to listen rather than talk and I like to observe people. I would look at their hair, shoes, and bags and how they carry themselves. I suck at making small talks. Really. I’m jealous of people who can strike a conversation with just anyone while talking just about anything!
22. My dream job is to be a TV newscaster. I would love to work with TV (I mean in front of TV). Someday.
23. My colleagues call me “Cina Murtad” (means lost Chinese?) because I don’t speak Mandarin/Cantonese nor mix well with my kind.
24. I’m quite fickle at times. When it comes to shopping I’ll go the shop several times before I decide on the purchase. I tend to shop based on instincts, as it has to feeeeeeel right.
25. I have a must-sing-song during karaoke sessions. It is “Gemilang” by Jaclyn Victor. My version is the *grrrrr* one. Karaoke with me to find out!
26. Oh I find guys that I like tend to have gay tendencies. Damn it! I dunno if it's because of me or what? Nah, I guess it's just true what people say: GOOD men are mostly either married, or GAY.
2. I was a HUGE fan of Backstreet Boys when growing up (who wasn’t back then right?). I had the biggest crush on (you wouldn’t believe it) Alexander James McLean aka A.J of the Backstreet Boys! Boy, I had such a weird taste in men back then.
3. Back in high school as well, me and a friend (Bee Hwa) would write to each other exchanging our updates about our imaginary “pop” lives. We lived in POP World, went to the same school as Taylor Hanson, lived in the same apartment block as other pop stars such as Backstreet Boys, Robyn, N’Sync, Janet Jackson, etc. My pop name was Sue Jordan Gabrielle Timberlake (yup I was related to Justin) & was dating A.J! Talk about your wildest imaginations!
4. I would most probably be in Korea right now, if I wasn’t doing what I’m in at the moment (broadcast journalist). Got offered as an assistant chemist in Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI). I would have work near the ocean, eat raw seafood, date a cute Korean boy and enjoy “kim-chi” right about now.
5. I’ve always wanted to be a Starbucks barrista (but never one). I think it’s a cool job, serving people with a smile and just make coffee! So fun and carefree.
6. I fell in love with Sabah and everything on the land below the wind. It was love at first stay. Beautiful place, great food, interesting culture and super-friendly people! Never felt so at home. Some people even mistaken me for a Sabahan (I’m like so local okay) because apparently I look and sound like them. But I don’t mind bah ;)
7. I was the captain for an all girls futsal team named "Girl Power" (yeah!). We were up against all the other boys’ team in tuition. Basically we kalah teruk lah :(
8. My motto especially back in campus was “One who is hesitant is lost..” Now? I think too much and wonder about the "what if’s". Sigh.
9. I once represented my college in a swimming competition. FYI, I never swam for competitions (only for leisure) and I wasn’t even good/consistent/regular at it! So I jumped into the pool and realized I couldn't feel the floor as the starting point was middle of the pool. I panicked, almost drowned and raised my hand. Nobody came to my rescue though. Instead everybody cheered me to swim to the finishing line. Once I reached the end, I got thunderous cheers and applaud. Of course that was the most embarrassing moment of my life.
10. I’m afraid of depths (no wonder I failed #9). Whenever in pool, I rarely swim vertically. I rather swim in horizontal lines. Whenever I swim in deep areas, I would fear somebody would grab my feet or get leg cramps and drown. But I’m not afraid of heights though.
11. I have a habit of washing my feet every time before I sleep.
12. I’m fascinated with anything Latin! Spanish, music, salsa, culture, food and hot Latinos :P
13. I once had a HUGE crush on my Spanish lecturer, Senor Caning Jarangmillo from Caracas, Venezuela. I tell you.. he would wear a leather jacket and aviator glasses to class.. and boy was he HOT! I saw him again in a salsa party long after I graduated and finally got the courage to ask him for a dance (yes I ask guys to dance wan). We danced alright but he was clearly drunk/tipsy and he only did mambo ALL the way. So much of hot salsa-ness. Indeed I was CRUSHED!
14. I love polka dots and vertical stripe designs on clothes. I especially like crisp buttoned on shirts with vertical stripes on men ;)
15. I love any form of publicity. In newspapers, radio and TV. I like to listen to my voice on the radio and I would text everyone to listen to it too.
16. I was never allowed to go to school camps when I was younger. My first experience setting up a REAL tent was only recently during a day-trip to PD. It wasn’t even for overnight. Just as shade from the sun. Hmmph!
17. When I was little, my favorite game with my cousins at our grandma's place was "Asia Bagus" aka the singing contest hosted by Najip Ali on TV. The contestants would be Phillip and me, meanwhile Michelle would be judge. I guess it was good practice. Phillip is now a lead vocalist of fourletterstory, his own band.
18. I’ve always wanted to perform in front of an audience. I’ve always dreamt of entertaining people.
19. I have the worst sense of directions. During assignments, my challenge is not so much of finding a story but more of finding the location!
20. I have not a single teeth cavity. All thanks to mom who took care of them when I was younger. I was banned from taking sweets. But now, I have a sweet tooth.
21. I’m actually a shy person. I only open up and “shine” with people whom I’m comfortable with. I prefer to listen rather than talk and I like to observe people. I would look at their hair, shoes, and bags and how they carry themselves. I suck at making small talks. Really. I’m jealous of people who can strike a conversation with just anyone while talking just about anything!
22. My dream job is to be a TV newscaster. I would love to work with TV (I mean in front of TV). Someday.
23. My colleagues call me “Cina Murtad” (means lost Chinese?) because I don’t speak Mandarin/Cantonese nor mix well with my kind.
24. I’m quite fickle at times. When it comes to shopping I’ll go the shop several times before I decide on the purchase. I tend to shop based on instincts, as it has to feeeeeeel right.
25. I have a must-sing-song during karaoke sessions. It is “Gemilang” by Jaclyn Victor. My version is the *grrrrr* one. Karaoke with me to find out!
26. Oh I find guys that I like tend to have gay tendencies. Damn it! I dunno if it's because of me or what? Nah, I guess it's just true what people say: GOOD men are mostly either married, or GAY.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
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