The pursuit of happiness... Figuring out LIFE and embracing it as it comes.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Dear Dieba

How are you doing? I'm super tired. Today went out whole day for assignment. Covered a function in UM. They were giving the Doctor of Science to Ahmed Zewail, a Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry 1999. He got the Nobel prize for his research in Femtoscience. Say what??? Yeah faster than a blink of an eye, faster than the speed of light, it's the new speed; 10 to the power of minus 15 seconds. Or let's put it as 1/15 second. You do the math. The application is to study the time scale of a chemical reaction especially by observing the speed at molecular/atomic level.

Never knew I had to go through all this scientific terms again. We used to learn about the structure molecules during our lab times, holding stick-and-ball models to help imagine and identify their real structure. Boy was it hard. I think it was during InOrganic Chemistry. Susah giler... Almost died.

This special convocation was held just for this guy, the Nobel Prize winner. He must be a big shot. Of course lah, Nobel Prize bah... He gave a good speech. He spoke about his experiences, how he started off from his homeland in Egypt and moved to U.S and achieving success till this day. He related how much obstacle he had to go through, especially a Middle Eastern guy trying to succeed in the land of oppurtunity. U.S is the land of oppurtunity, and also obstacles. He went through political, social, culture and differences obstacle. He figured "if you can fight the system (in U.S) then follow the system and make to best out of it" (paraphrased). Can't really remember everything he said. Am feeling very tired now. Sleepy. Am doing this just for Dieba Shami! Hey you're coming back tommorrow right? Ish-ness woman.

Oh yeah, the Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah was also present, which made the function super-duper formal. I was told to don a power suit, or at least something formal which consist of blazer,etc. My God, I felt like a law student as I turned up to the function wearing a white blouse, black skirt and my "power" blazer. I had my pearls (necklace+earrings) as accesssory. Students in the hall were staring at me, maybe because I looked as young as the student there (ehehehe) and must be wondering who is this koo-koo girl overdressed to the function. Sheesh. I not a student lah... Not anymore. *Sighed* I manage to catch the glimpse of the Raja making checks on the army. I don't know what's the proper name for that action. But quite chun lah... Wonder how would it feels like standing alongside making such checks. Red carpet and all.

My crossovers were crappy lah... Tak best langsung. I still have not fully recovered from my sorethroat and flu thus the suara sengau. During the press conference after that, I asked a few questions. Well more than the other reporters that they thought I was covering for a science article! Hahaha. Well I just have better understanding, so I ask more questions in depth lah... Other people were just asking the surface question. What's the point right? Maybe with his finding we can detect the rate of cancer cells. Who knows? Plus he's just there. So I just asked lah. But then I ain't that smart either. Some of my questions were laughed at first, then only answered. Although I knew I asked very good scientific questions. But maybe the way I presented it or more of how the message was crossed-over. Thank God I'm thick-skinned. Otherwise, malu loh...
Anyway after the whole thing was over and done with. I went to Plaza Mont Kiara to collect my baby... The 30GB iPod. Finally my darling... Didn't know how to get there. Called like everyone to find out where it was, since I was already out, so I thought I just run this errand just once and for all. Was told the nearest was Bangsar, but have to take a cab also. So took a cabby, cost me 7 bucks. It was okay. Later I found out it's so much nearer to TTDI where I always go for salsa classes. Sheesh. Took my baby, and headed back to office. The journey back was the long one. Decided to take bus back. So had to walk the extra mile under the blazing hot sun in my "power" suit. This is the life of a public transporter. Reached office only like about 4pm. Showed off my iPod to some people. We were all suppose to record a voice promo today, but mine really sucked. Kept saying the wrong words. Tersasul. And my sengau voice wasn't helping. I don't sound as sweet as I always do. Hehe. *Sigh* Try again tommorrow. Order from the producers.
Oh Dieba, today we got a surprise (which I already knew, Kak Sab called me and told me). We got a new promo ID song. It's nice. Made me want to smile. Feels good inside after hearing it =) Probably you can hear it tommorrow?
Wah super tired. Because of you I cannot spend time with my baby. I should sign off now. Please bring back mee bandung and air bandung okay? Don't forget!

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