The pursuit of happiness... Figuring out LIFE and embracing it as it comes.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I hate blogs...

This is why I hate blogging. You'll never know who will come across your blog page. Especially if it's one your bosses. Super scary. Sigh. This could probably mean, lesser a channel to vent my work frustration of certain somebody somebody *wink wink* But then again I might still do it. Freedom of speech bah. And please... jangan perasan.

Came across these rights of a blogger:

-You Have the Right to Blog Anonymously.

-You Have the Right to Keep Sources Confidential.

-You Have the Right to Make Fair Use of Intellectual Property.

-You have the Right to Allow Readers' Comments Without Fear.

-You Have the Right to Protect Your Server from Government Seizure.

-You Have the Right to Freely Blog about Elections.

-You Have the Right to Blog about Your Workplace.

-You Have the Right to Access as Media.

Of course you'll probably never find posts about politics here lah... Not like I can hold any intelligent conversation regarding politics. Don't like politics. So not me.

On another note...


What's new: As the popularity of blogs grows and search tools get better, more companies are likely to discipline bloggers who disclose confidential or embarrassing information.

Bottom line: If your boss should see your blog and is offended by something there, in most states you have almost no protection against being fired.

Bah! So much for freedom of speech.

Secondly, I hate kiss-assers aka kaki ampu. It shows that your really weak and had to resort in kissing the bosses' asses. Worse if your ain't good at your job. And do you have to make it so obvious? Showing the rest as if he/she is a grand lord and has the power over bosses' decisions and commenting how others are performing (in order to look good himself). Sigh. It a sad thing if they ever believe in him/her without even realizing the truth (it can go both ways: the good or the bad) because you know, sometimes bosses are way to busy to even notice or pay attention. Well I guess after 2 months at work, you can easily detect kaki ampu-s. In fact I have already noticed 1 since quite long ago. I don't like him, "Dr. Fell". It refers to someone whom you dislike for no apparent reason. But this I know, since day 1, I already dislike him. I dislike the way he looked at me, staring one kind (maybe in adoration, but I loathed it), sometimes I look away and then found that he is still looking. So I stare back fiercely right at his face till he look away. Gosh, I have a bad habit. If I dislike a person, I really dislike that person... Sorry but you got to prove yourself worthy of my respect. I have to admit I am a very critical person. Very suspicious of corny and horny person. People who suka mengampu, sorry naik lorry...

" I do not like thee, Doctor Fell,
The reason why I cannot tell;
But this I know, and know full well,
I do not like thee, Doctor Fell. "
As for me, I only resort to that on life-and-death situations. Like once I made one of my lecturer really pissed. We were corresponding through emails regarding the Korean job. Initially he told the whole class that the salary is 3000 USD and eventually later I was told by the Koreans that it's only 1000 USD per month (gosh that's like a lot of difference!). That's definitely a huge amount and a huge human error to be told to the class. So I had to ask him properly and I asked him to clarify in order to make a decision whether or not to accept the job. I knew it was the right thing to do and I have all the rights to know. But I don't know how on earth he read my emails (maybe upside down or what), he told me I was rude and even told me to observe my manners. I was like "what the....?!?!". Anyway the mis-communication was then settled with a bar of chocolate and a nice chat. All was well later. Phew! Boy he had the power over my exam results and I had to be careful not to jeopardise our relationship. However I have a deja vu feeling it's going to happen again. This time it's going to be real ugly. I have yet to tell him that I don't want the Korean job (due to a few reasonable reasons) and boy, only God knows what will the outcome be. *gulp* That sends cold shiver down my spine.

Anyway Dr. Fell, here's a few words of advice: you have to work hard to gain our respects by first proving yourself worthy of what you are. A higher education qualification doesn't prove anything but just a cert and a silly cap you don during graduation, if it isn't translated to quality work. Working on tonnes of thesis and research just meant hundreds of trees you cut down from all the printing/photostating/binding of your work.

Keyword: delegation. Ordering people around isn't one of them. Fine with me, if it's proper delegation and YOU also do your work effectively. Don't just rely on efficient people to come out with the quality, but you ain't know nothing about YOUR work. Leadership. It's either you got it or you don't. Worse if you speak in a really slow mode which really annoys people just waiting to hear you finish your sentence. Sceptical since the first day, you teach public speaking in English but your spoken English and presentation skills like in junior high. Supposedly an expert in communication (masters/phd/what not) but you ain't good at THAT either. Even a chemist can beat you in public speaking and communication skills. Opps, sorry that's different story: a mass comm trapted in a chemist's body.

I apologize if I'm a bit nasty. But it has to come out.
The truth will prevail...

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