The pursuit of happiness... Figuring out LIFE and embracing it as it comes.

Friday, August 17, 2007

You were born on this month


Berikut disenaraikan kajian mengenai bulan dan sikap anda, yang telah dijalankan oleh Yang Berbahagia Dato' Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah.

* Suka berbual (yes!)

* Suka orang yang sayang padanya (oh yess...who doesn't right?)

* Suka ambil jln tengah (compromising)

* Sangat menawan & sopan santun (well if you say so...hehehe)

* Kecantikan luar & dalam (wow,thank you, thank you...)

* Tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura ( hmm...very true)

* Mudah rasa simpati, baik dan mementingkan kawan (erm.. depending)

* Sentiasa berkawan (yes lah)

* Hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama (depends, but mostly I'm easy-going lah)

* Cepat marah (not really)

* Macam pentingkan diri sendiri (well, I have to admit..I'm a very selfish person)

* Tidak menolong orang kecuali diminta (hmmmmm...)

* Suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri (yes! sometimes too self-absorbed...)

* Tidak suka terima pandangan orang lain (lately I'm know to be very defensive lah..Very bad!)

* Emosi yang mudah terusik (nope)

* Suka berangan & pandai bercakap (ooooooh yessss!!!)

* Emosi yang kelam kabut (eh, no lah)

* Daya firasat yang sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan) (hmmm,sixth sense??)

* Suka melancong, bidang sastera & seni (yes, yes, YES!!!)

* Pengasih, penyayang & lemah lembut (yes, yes, NO)

* Romantik dalam percintaan (hehehe...)

* Mudah terusik hati & cemburu (erm yes)

* Ambil berat tentang orang lain (am trying to...)

* Suka kegiatan luar (oh yes I love the outdoors! White-river rafting anyone??)

* orang yang adil (I try to be as fair and listen to both sides of the story)

* Boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran (bad habit)

* Mudah patah semangat (ish choy! I'm as determined as a horse)
Well honestly I never really believed in these personality tests, way too corny... Always think logically. Don't really like to be confined to certain traits or ways I am or should live, etc. Don't believe in horoscope either. Palm reading? Nah. Feng shui? You should talk to someone else, not me. Live life the way how you want to live it... And live it to the FULLEST!!!! Live's too short to drink bad wine =)

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