The pursuit of happiness... Figuring out LIFE and embracing it as it comes.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Salsa party

Last Saturday night we had Salsa Party.

No not that kind of salsa.

Havana Estudio always have salsa dance party, held every end of the month. It was my first though. After only attended 3 classes, I brave myself to the party with Michelle, to discover SALSA-NESS! 10 bucks with food (Canadian Pizza) and drinks. We warmed up first by practising our mambos in front of the huge mirror, while others were dancing with their partners. Weirdest part was that soon after, a few others also joined us praticing basic mambo in front of the mirror! Apparently, they also do not know how to salsa. So it was like as if I was giving them pointers how to do the basic mambo steps and Sam, my salsa teacher was nearby watching! Oh no, he must be thinking, "who the hell she thinks she is teaching these people salsa?" . Whoops!

Ok basically salsa dance requires a partner i.e. a man and a woman. The man leads and the woman follows. In the party everyone dances with anyone. So no need bring partners lah... Usually a man will ask the lady to dance. That's the norm/tradition. But I broke the norm, when I asked the men to dance with me. Hahaha. Well technically I did not ask them to dance with me, but I asked in a way they feel oblige to. Wicked right? I just look at them and said; "Are you gonna ask me to dance?" Whoa! I've tried that on 2 guys. That's the only way to get the guys to dance with ME. Yeah, me pathetic? Desperate? Whatever man. At least I get to dance with somebody. As a result, I've dance with men with 2 left legs, sweaty hands, and even bad breath. But the best part was with these 2 men (at different times ok) who were fantastic dancers! And I did'nt even ask them THE QUESTION okay. They spun my world around. Weeeeeeeeee........... A good male partner will do all the dancing, the girl just follow their lead, which is what I did. So when they spin me, I spin. A lot of turnings. On heels pulak tu! I only asked 2 person to dance with me okay. On other times, I stood at "strategic" spots waiting to be asked to dance. Haha. That did not work for me.

I was waiting for this bald guy who was excellent at salsa to ask me to dance. Michelle kept telling me he's so good and all so I wanted to try him. So I waited at the sides nearby him, strategic spot. He did not notice me nor he asked me to dance. At the end Michelle asked him to dance on behalf of ME. It was soooooooooooooo memalukan! Sheesh. We danced, but I felt so pressured because he kept correcting my steps, saying that I turn to fast, etc. Ish-ness. So much expectation for the bald guy.

Watching others dance was fun too. You'll be amazed by how they move. And I kept wondering how the ladies know when to turn, what to do, etc, since it's the men are the ones who leads. When I'm not dancing, I just watch with amazement at how others dance and go like; "wow..." Sadly, there was no HOT guys though. Only one Caucassian guy who looked like Jamiroquai and dances like one too!

All in all it was fun. I bet it would be more FUN if your good at it. Hopefully can learn and improve with skills, attitude, etc. Weeee... More spinning hopefully. Sexy spins!

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