The pursuit of happiness... Figuring out LIFE and embracing it as it comes.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

My head came out on TV news!

Waaaah... I saw my head on TV news today! Wehehe... Mom saw my face on Tamil news! The other day, my colleague saw my back and my side on TV3. My back and side okay, not backside!!! It was the second time I appeared on TV news prime time. During the Altantuya case of course. I was there, on an assignment, covering the story for that day. Boy was it boring... The only thing that kept me awake throughout the court hearing was the oh-so-handsome lawyer, Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin. Phew! H-O-T. Hmm.. I think I should do court reporting more. In that way, higher chances to be on TV! Haha. And also I got to start making friends with them cameramen. So that I know where they are focusing next time. That way, I know where I can stand (at strategic places) so I can get a full face view instead of my backside view next time.

Apart from all that, court reporting is really really boring lah... I almost dozed off a few times. Therefore missing few points and I had to borrow notes from other reporters! Some of them are nice. Some are not. I guess that is life. You can't expect everbody to be nice to you. As for me... I will try to be nice to people lah.. Must be humble at all times. Ok. As for today, I only sat in the court hearing during the morning session. In the afternoon, my colleagues took over. So still have to wait for the whole thing to over. Darn! Ingatkan boleh balik... Anyway, had ample of time. Worked on my reporting a bit, and I'm done. Well I had to admit, I took such a long time to finish up a report. Almost an hour and I had to do it in B.M! Oh the agony.. Still had to wait for the whole session to end, baru boleh balik. Anyway terpaksa wait for colleague also bah.. Otherwise no transport!

So with so much of time, what to do? Well you find things to entertain yourself! Chit-chat a little. Thank God for the twin girls that we met there! Aini and Aina. They are soooo cute! They looked very chinese-y as well. Only Standard 2 and boy they can talk... a lot! You know what they say, "kids say the darnest things". They did a cat-walk for us. And we even took pictures! We had fun. Though we just met, but talking and playing with them was so much fun! Found out that they also stay in Klang. And their brother works in a beauty centre that my mom visits! What a small world. After they went home. I found other things to do.

I tried my hands on photography. I know I'm already quite well-versed with self-potraits aka cam-whoring, but this is different. This is what you call professional photographer. With a borrowed camera in one hand (my colleague punya), I tried to blend in with other photographers, waiting for people to come out and hopefully get a shot at anyone important i.e. accused suspects, lawyers, family members, etc. One thing for sure, I was the blur-est photographer! Everyone were chasing after their subjects and there I was still standing with the camera in my hand. Standing still. Like a kayu. FAIL. My colleagues were laughing at me because I looked so blur, while the other photographers were running after Abdul Razak Baginda, I was still standing at positon A, not moving. I however managed to capture the handsome lawyer on my camera though. But noooooooo, he was too arrogant to pose for me. He cleverly turned sideways while I clicked away at him. Dang! Results of the pictures will be updated soon. It's still in my colleague's camera. Adoi!

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